
How do you want Delco to celebrate America's 250th? Share your ideas with us.



Tell us your story and memories



What do you want to see in Delco/America in 2026 and beyond?



Are you in a community group? Connect with us to get involved in the celebration.

Ideas from Delco residents

 A celebration of women's roles in history 

 What have immigrants & adoptees contributed to the last 250 years? 

 History of the railroads and nature preservation 

 I want to see more history & nature preservation! 

 Acknowledge the native communities 


 More information about who the settlers were 

 Indigenous groups- more information from before Europeans settled 

 Delco Days 

 Sponsor/write Delco history narrative (Arcadia 'Images of America' book) 

Ideas from Delco residents

 There is so much beautiful nature :-) 

 It's where it started- America. Easy to get anywhere. 

 Whitehorse Inn, Chester Pike, Prospect Park 

 Steven's on State Street 



 Dining Under the Stars 

 Ridley Creek State Park 

 Home of the best hoagies 

Let us know how you want to get involved or share your story